Super Chuwa Khola Hydropower Project

Aviyan Power Company Private Limited is currently developing an 80 MW peaking run-of-river (PROR) type hydropower project. Named “Super Chuwa Khola Hydropower Project”, the project is located on the bank of Chuwa River, a tributary of the Karnali River located in Simikot and Kharpunath rural municipalities, Humla District in Karnali province of Mid-western Nepal. The nearest grid connectivity is at Kharpunath Temple which is approximately 10 Kms from the proposed project site.


The Current Position:


Poush8, 2079 Poush18, 2079 Baisakh17, 2080
Incorporated as a Private Limited company with a vision to become one of the largest and major players in the hydropower space of the country. Formal application to the Department of Electricity Development for granting of Survey License for the Project. Desk Study Report and Net Worth certificate submitted to the Department of Electricity Development (DOED) for Survey License.
Jestha26, 2080 Baisakh17, 2080 Ashad29, 2080
Survey License granted by the Department of Electricity Development (DOED) for 80 MW Super Chuwa Khola Hydropower Project. Desk Stud yReport and Networth certificate submitted to the Department of Electricity Development (DOED) for Survey License. Selection of Hydro Engineering and Management Services Pvt. Ltd. for Feasibility Study
Ashad29, 2080    
Selection of KSM Engineering Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. for Topographical Survey.    


Survey License:






Site Photographs:

Poush18, 2079

The timeline:


2080 Mid: Topographical Survey Complete.

2080 End: EIA Complete

2081 End: Power Purchase & Grid Connection Agreement

2082 Mid: Generation License & Financial Closure

2082 End: Construction Start

2084: IPO

2085: Construction Complete



The Way Forward:

  1. Power Purchase Agreement with Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA)
  2. Grid Connection Agreement with Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA)
  3. Generation License from the Department of Electricity Development (DOED)
  4. Financial Closure with Class-A Financial Institution licensed by the Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB)



Financial Assumptions:

  1. Inflation rate of 3% per annum and discounting rate of 12%
  2. Construction period of 3 years
  3. Debt: Equity ratio of 70: 30
  4. 1 US $ = 135 NPR
  5. Debt repayment period of 12 years
  6. Energy price escalation up to 8 years
  7. Dry energy to total energy ratio of 34.29%
  8. Interest rate of 11% on debt



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